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  • Blaine County Sheriff's Office

    Character | Respect | Leadership | Integrity

  • The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protect the lives, property and rights of all people, to maintain order and to enforce the law. The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office will strive to accomplish this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the core values of the Office. It is our mission to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and to ensure that our county is a safe place to live, work and visit. We are totally dedicated to this mission, to the County we serve and to accept the responsibility of attaining our goal of achieving excellence within our profession. The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office’s values are its principles and beliefs, which guide the Office’s members as they pursue the Office’s mission. The underlying premise of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is that officers shall dedicate themselves to treat people with respect, fairness and compassion.

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    February Photo of the Month - Courtesy of @Ryan A. 3C-134





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    Specialized Subdivisions of the Sheriff's Office

    Within the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, a number of subdivisions have been created over the years to address certain law enforcement and community needs within the area. These units are comprised of full-time and reserve deputies that conduct initial and on-going training in their areas of expertise. Each subdivision has its own leadership team that oversees the day-to-day operations of their unit and ensures their personnel are acting within the guidelines and duties set forth and are utilizing the resources allotted to them properly and in the best interest of the general public. Some subdivisions also have subbranches and certifications that expand their knowledge and abilities to better serve their colleagues and the community.

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    Warrant Service Deputies focus primarily on serving warrants issued by courts within the State of San Andreas. Additionally, WSU personnel specialize in high-risk transports, building raids for warranted searches or arrests within a business or residence, and the apprehension of fugitives.

    Warrant Services Coordinator: @James M. 3C-6 & @Frank S. 3C-26


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    The Criminal Investigations Division conducts criminal investigations within the county alongside other subdivisions and deputies of the Sheriff’s Office along with personnel from other law enforcement agencies in San Andreas. Apart from the investigation of criminal activity that already occurred, preventative operations also fall under the purview of CID. A number of subbranches and certifications are available to members of CID, each focusing on a certain aspect of investigation and prevention; major crimes, gangs, auto theft, special reconnaissance, cyber crimes, and so on.

    Interim Criminal Investigations Coordinator: @Paul F. 3C-40 and @Joshua B. 3C-35



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    The Wildlife Rangers are the primary enforcement entity of fish, game, and maritime laws within Blaine County. Unique to WLR is the numerous resources at their disposal; marine units, search and rescue helicopters as well as fixed-wing aircraft, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and mountain bicycles. The Rangers enforce hunting, fishing, poaching, and natural resource conservation laws.

    Lead Wildlife Rangers: @Ryan G. 3C-23 and @Brock M. 3C-48


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    The Canine Unit was created to provide assistance to law enforcement and other emergency personnel within Blaine County via the utilization of specially-trailed dogs alongside their handler. These teams are commonly used to locate narcotics, paraphernalia, and/or weapons during traffic stops or building searches, search for lost citizens, and locate and apprehend fleeing subjects.

    Canine Coordinators: @Mike H. 3C-29 & @Amber K. 3C-108



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    Deputies with the Traffic Enforcement Division specialize in traffic related matters, whether it be law enforcement, traffic control, accident investigation, or something of a related matter. Additional focuses include law enforcement air support within the Blaine County airspace, commercial vehicle enforcement (CVE) on county roadways, crash investigation and reconstruction, and tow services for disabled vehicles or vehicles collected as evidence following a crime.

    Traffic Enforcement Coordinators: @Alexander P. 3C-21 and @Josh W. 3C-34


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